Cute gift

 Hello, I want to talk about a cute gift for new year!


Recently, I found cute card! It is 50th anniversary card for the Hakusan park. And it is interesting, because there are flower seeds inside the flower decoration on the card! Futhermore, flower seeds are included it randomly, so we can not know the type of flower until it blooms. So, I want to have exciting time until flower blooms.

Also, I almost slipped on the ice on the saidwalk in this week morning, and it was scary! However, I like ice skating, so I want to go to ice arena in this spring vacation! Also, please tell me what do you want to do in this spring vacation? 


  1. It's a very cute card. I want to go on a lot of trips this spring vacation. Especially I want to go to Disney.

  2. These are very cute, I like these colors! I have never slipped on the ice! It sounds like very scary! You are strong girl!

  3. This card is so cute. It's wonderful to flowers blooming!


  4. These cards are very nice. I'm surprising that there are flower seeds.

  5. It's a pretty decorated card. I like skating too.

  6. This card is good gift! These flowers is cute.




Satoka's introduction

Cold weeks (October 16 to 20)