Cold weeks (October 16 to 20)

     Hi! This week is colder than before week, so I want to talk about happened for a cold day.

     One of cold day, I found a tree with maple leaves on the way to the cafe where I am working part-time. I thought that the maple leaves were already turning red, so when I saw the maple leaves were green, I surpresed about it was not autumn yet. However, a tree with ginkgo leaves at UNP colored yellow, so I want to the green leaves to turn colored leaves as soon as possible. Because, next week I going to ride the ropeway on Mt. Yahiko with my grand mother. I hope to be able to enjoy the beautiful colored Mt. Yahiko with her.

     I watched the my oshi's musical song stream on the 17th. There is no archive left for that stream, so I watched the live stream. My oshi sung a song called "I am the music", it is a song in program called "Mozart". I have never know this program and song, but I think I want to actually hear it when I listen to the this song.

     Recently, the temperature difference is too hard, so I think it is easy to get sick! And you should be take care of your health. Also, I have pollen flying and my nose gets stuffy!


  1. Your picture is very nice. I think Mt.Yahiko is very beautiful, please enjoy your holday and you should be take care of your health too!! ;)

  2. Mt. Yahiko is very good place. Now that autumn has arrived, that autumn leaves are becoming more beautiful, so I would like to see them too.

  3. Your photo is very beautiful. I also go to Yahiko to see the autumn leaves in autumn. It's so beautiful.

  4. It's a very beautiful photo. Yahiko is good plase. Nice memory.

  5. The gradation of tree is very beautiful. Especialy, the green is clear. I felt refreshing when I saw the picture.

  6. The picture of a tree with maple leaves is so beautiful! I love maple tree but I have never seen the view of Mt. Yahiko in Autumn. I really want to go there. Have a good time with your grand mother!

  7. I have only been to Yahiko in summer, so I'm planning to go there in the fall as well!




Satoka's introduction

Cute gift