This week happen (November 13 to 17)

 Hello everyone! I want to talk about what happend this week.

I took the provisional motor license exam on Tuesday. The person who did the pracitical test with me. She looks a slightly older than me and she took the pratical test first. Then I watching her driving in the back  and I thought her drive is good, so I thought I want to get in her's driving car! As a result, we were passed the provisional motor license exam!! However, I could not passed this exam when my first exam. Because I took it off the wheel. At the time, it was sudden and I did not think anything of it, but as time went on, I became frustrated. Therefore, I was very happy when I passed the exam.

One day, I ate udon in the school cafeteria. I wanted to make the bill more than 300 yen, so I made a dig deal. This is because I won a 300 yen meal ticket that can be used in the school cafeteria in the pocky day on November 10th. The udon which was a little more than usual has only topped with green onions, so I got tired of it towards the end. And I recommend that you do not eat large udon.

Also, I went to the Niigata Prefectural Office to do volonteer work this past Sunday. In this activity, we worked with the youth of Niigata Prefecture about elections. On that day, we discussed the exchange meeting with young lawmakers to be held in January. This event is open to everyone! So if you are interested, please let me know. 


  1. Congratulations on passing the provisional license exam!

  2. Volonteer work is very good! You had a good time.




Satoka's introduction

Cold weeks (October 16 to 20)

Cute gift