
Final blog

 Hello! This long blogging life is coming to an end. It was a good experience to be able to share everyone's daily fun things. And this time, the game I'm playing is celebrating its 7th anniversary. So, I want to talk about this game. From official "A3!" X. This game is a love and nurturing game. And I particularly like is the game story. It's a content that will make you cry, laugh, and make you feel excited. I will continue to cheer this game. I hope you will continue to enjoy your school life in the future. See you!!

[Unit Project 2] Hand play: Make a frog face

What did you do when you did not have any tool to play with your friends? I think one answer is to play tag or chatting with friend. However, to play with hands is easy and exercises your hands and brain and good way to get along for friends. Examples of famous hand games in Japan are "Chatsubo'' and "Temple monk'' and so on. These are games where you use your hands while singing songs.  Playing with your hands is one of the good ways to deepen your friendship with your friends. When I was in elementary school, I often had a little bit of free time. For example, waiting time in line for the school morning assembly. I was doing a lot of hand playing with my friends at that time. Among them, I discovered the most creative and fulfilling way from of hand play. Now, I will show you how to play it.     You will need ・Your hands   Procedures 1. First, exercise your hands and fingers. 2. Second, slightly spread your hands in front of your body with both pa

Opinion exchange meeting

 Are you going to the elections? Last Sunday, I was joined opinion exchange meeting with a member of the city council of Niigata Prefecture in Niigata university. I had a good time in this event. That is because, we could talk interesting topic them who is a member of the city council of Niigata Prefecture. I could know about what they do and what they can do. I was never know about how much they think about their city! I thought a member of the city council is difficoult to talk, however I think they looked friendly while this event. I was joined this event. I was particularly impressed by the following about member of the city council don't know what do young people want them to do, also, we don't know what can they do? So, I think we have to learn about each other.  A lot of crows After this event, I saw a lot of crows. I feld little scary, however I thought interesting about that. I thought why are so many crows gathering? But, it was like being a witch and it was fun.

Nomal days

 This week I do not have talk topic, so I want to talk about situation when I went to UNP monday morning. Monday morning, I went to UNP by train and walking. First, I got on train from Niigata station to Ogata station. Second, I walking to UNP from Ogata station. This time it is sunny, however a strong wind was blowing, so I feld cold! And we need stop two pedestrain traffic lights. I think there are strees point, because we need waiting a long time!!  So, I think there are more cold hours in winter, there are more hot hours in summer. However, my favorite point we can see beautiful views each season. After school, I joined the badminton club of UNP and played badminton. It refreshed my mind. However, I had a muscle pain next day. Therefore, I thought that it was important to exercise in moderetion.

Cute gift

 Hello, I want to talk about a cute gift for new year!        Recently, I found cute card! It is 50th anniversary card for the Hakusan park. And it is interesting, because there are flower seeds inside the flower decoration on the card! Futhermore, flower seeds are included it randomly, so we can not know the type of flower until it blooms. So, I want to have exciting time until flower blooms. Also, I almost slipped on the ice on the saidwalk in this week morning, and it was scary! However, I like ice skating, so I want to go to ice arena in this spring vacation! Also, please tell me what do you want to do in this spring vacation? 

Happy New Year

 Happy new year!! I want to talk about my favorite game. December 26th, one of my favorite smartphone game finished service. This game is type of typing music. I playing this game since I was first junior high school student. This game made me happy a long time, so I want to told this game for "Thank you." Also, if you have a favorite game, you enjoy playing this game now!! Final screen scene And, do you have nice winter holiday? Junaly first, we have big earthquake, so a lot of people have terrble things, but I was fortunate to have no major bad things to do.  Near my home


 I want to talk about playing in the snow and christmas. I created it. First, I talk about what I did playing in the snow. I created a snow man in my home. My favorite point is his face! Because he has a cute nose and cool eyebrouws. And this year snow is nice for playing in the snow. So, I created the smoll snow slide, however it is very short. But it is made me fun! Also, playing in the snow is exciting.   christmas market Second, I went to christmas market in Niigata Bandai with my friend. And I ate hot soup because it was very cold! However, christmas tree was looks good and beautiful, so I think I had a good time then. Also, I want to hear you about what will you watching at last day this year?